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OSCAR is a tool to create beautiful graphical user interaces (GUIs) to send OSC messages and control interactive installations (Modul8, MapMapper, Resolume arena, TouchDesigner, Ableton Live, Processing, Pure Data, Unity, Unreal Engine, etc). Let’s create beautiful, responsive and touchable interfaces.

We released a first version of OSCAR and we’re happy to share. Please DOWNLOAD OSCAR and give us your opinion at

We are still under construction and this is a quick VIDEO DEMO of what the tool is currently able to do, but is up to you to support with feedback, documentation, suggestions, bugs detection to create a better tool.

Please Sign Up in the newsletter to keep you posted about the next release and send it to you.

App Setup

Created with node.js/express. Main libraries: Grapesjs,, pkg.

If you want to use this implementation for your own purposes try the following steps:

  1. Clone or download this repository
  2. Go into the folder you just download
  3. run npm start
  4. run node server.js
  5. Open a browser on http://localhost:8080/ (Preferibly Google Chrome)


  1. Youtube Channel OSCAR


  1. Please Sign Up in the newsletter to keep you posted about the next release and send it to you.


  1. Go to releases and download the lastest version for your OS.
  2. Unzip the compressed file
  3. Double-click on the Oscar executable file
  4. Your default browser will open in the URL: http://localhost:8080 or http://[your local ip]:8080

Be sure your firewall and router allow communication between devices.


BSD 3-clause